- Doringboom is die top verkoper Rocket Stove topverkoper onder klante wat sukkel met die aanhoudende uitgawe van gas en alewige beurtkrag.
- Altesaam 50kg, en het ‘n stoof oppervlak van 60cm x 20cm.
- Jy kry ook die oonddeksel saam , om lekker oondgeregte te kan maak of om brood mee te bak.
- Al wat jy nodig het om ‘n stewige ete voor te berei gedurende beurtkrag, is n paar takkies en natuurlik, jou kookvernuf.
- Ons het voortdurend beskikbare voorraad, maar sou ons uitverkoop wees, neem dit so 10 dae om weer produkte uit te stuur.
- Wees verseker om hiervan te ook te kry.https://dietrollie.co.za/shop-2/gifts/braai-lappie-pappie-sn/
Aflewering is ingesluit by die koste, deur Courier Guy en die versending neem 3 dae.
Dink reg, dink vorentoe, en beplan koste-effektief vir effektiewe maaltydvoorbereiding.
- “Doringboom” Rocket Stove translates to – Thorn tree.
- Once you grasp the strength and durability of a thorn tree, you’ll understand the essence of this rocket stove.
- It weighs about 50kg and has a stove surface of 60cm x 20cm.
- Doringboom also includes the oven cover, enabling you to bake meals or bread with ease.
- To cook a healthy, fresh meal, all you need are a few pieces of small wooden sticks and your cooking skills.
- We typically have stock, but there’s a chance we may be out when you make this significant decision. Any out-of-stock items will be ready for shipment within 10 days, with delivery taking about 3 days.
- Make sure to get one of these as well. https://dietrollie.co.za/shop-2/gifts/gifts-for-men/
Shipment is included in the price, and Courier Guy will handle the delivery.
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