
Opvoubare “Rocket Stove”


Opvoubare “Rocket Stove”


Rocket Stove.

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SKU: REN-001 Categories: , Tag:
  • Hierdie draagbare “Rocket Stove” haal heeltemal uitmekaar, om opgepak te word en maklik te vervoer.
  • Altesaam vorm dit 10 parte wat inmekaar inskuif, met geen skroefies of boutjies nie en is gemaak uit vlekvrye staal om ‘n leeftyd te hou.
  • Dit is baie gemaklik om op te pak en saam te vat aangesien, dit maar net 3,5kg weeg en 32cm hoog staan wanneer opgeslaan.
  • Natuurlik weet ons almal hoe min hout of takkies nodig is om van ‘n “Rocket Stove” ‘n stoom engin te maak en sommer baie kookwerk op hom te doen.

Ons versend via Courier Guy na ‘n stads of dorps adres.

Met betaling ontvang, neem die volle proses tussen 4-5 weke om af te handel en versend te word.


  • This Rocket stove is compatible to be taken apart into 10 pieces, which slides into each other, so there is no assembly with bolts and nuts when you want to use it.
  • It is very easy to assemble and disassemble in order to pack up after your camping weekend and space saving when travelling.
  • In total it stands 32cm and has the weight of 3.5kg and is made from stainless steel to last a lifetime.
  • We all know how little is needed to turn a rocket stove into a steaming train in order to do a lot of cooking.

Shipment is with Courier Guy to a street address in town.

Upon payment is received, it will take between 4-5 weeks for your final product to be shipped.


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