- Slegs vars produkte en hoë kwaliteit bestandele word gebruik om HornyBasco se besonderse handgemaakte sous te produseer.
- Hoekom Horny Basco se sous?https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/impacts/articles/supporting-small-businesses-entrepreneurs/
- Bestandele: Asyn, Gefermenteerde Rooipeper Brandrissies, Suiker, Knoffel, Sout, Groente, Xantham Gum en Rook Estrak.
Geprroduseer in kleinmaat, slegs in Suid Afrika.
- Only fresh produce and high quality ingredients is used to create the HornyBasco handcrafted sauces.
- Why Horny Basco ?https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/impacts/articles/supporting-small-businesses-entrepreneurs/
- Ingredients: Vinegar, Fermented Cayenne Chilies ,Sugar, Garlic, Salt, Vegetables, Xantham Gum and Liquid Smoke.
Produced only in small amounts, here in South Africa.
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