Verligting van Hardlywigheid, Lekkende derm- ingewande en IBS
So ‘n bietjie agtergrond.
Kroniese hardlywigheid word beskryf as ‘n algemene komplikasie wat bepaal word deur om te sukkel met gereelde stoelgang of ongereelde stoelgang of seldsame stoelgang – of al die simptomes gekombineer.
Die “voorkoms” van hardlywigheid het soveel verskillende defenisies en dit is ‘n algemene gesondheidsprobleem tussen 60% – 80% van die wêreld se populasie.
Hier is ‘n paar definisies.
Ongereelde dermbewegings, die tong wat ‘n lagie op kry, ‘n maag wat gedurig grom en geraas maak en moegheid.
‘n Gereelde gebrek aan konsentrasie, geeslike depressie, ‘n opgeblaaste buik, ‘n asem wat sleg ruik en winderigheid.
Aambeie, hoofpyne, geestelike dofheid asook anale fissuur.
Hierdie is moontlik een van die mees gereeldste gesondheidskondisies wat na soveel ander dinge lei en nie reg gehanteer word nie.
Verskeie faktore is betrokke by die patogenese van “siekte”, insluitend die tipe dieët wat gevolg word, die genetiese aanleg, die kolon beweeglikheid en absorbsie vermoë. Ongelukkig het ‘n persoon se sosiale ekonomiese status ook ‘n inpak sowel as jou daaglikse gewoontes en gedrag en dan ook dit biologiese omgewing om jou en farmaseutiese faktore speel ook ‘n rol.
Diagnose en terapeutiese opsies speel ‘n belangrike rol in die behandeling van kroniese hardlywigheid. Daar was en is steeds baie besprekings rondom die onderwerp, die tydsberekeninge van diagnose en die terapeutiese algoritmes.
Hier is wat ons gedoen het:
Aloe Vera Kristalle ( met al die nuurlike elemente in Aloe Vera wat so belangrik is vir die balansering van die dermkanaal en blaas met die korrekte pH balanse 6.8-7.2)
Himalaja Sout met die 84 spoorelemente wat dit bevat om die dermkanaal en blaas te ondertseun
‘n Knippie magnesuimsulfaat ( om dinge in beweging te kry)
Alles saam gemeng in Artesiese water
Natuurlike Aloe Tonikum. Want dit is presies wat dit sê, dit is!
- 25 ml per dag, lekker vroeg in die oggend voor ontbyt,kan jou kroniese probleem soveel verligting gee.
- Dis ongehoord van, aangesien min mense die ware natuurlike krag van Aloe ken of verstaan.
- En onthou om gereeld ‘n gesonde probiotika saam jou etes te geniet,ten einde die voordele net meer te maak.
Veresending vind plaas deur Amarex, na u straat adres.
Relief from….. Constipation, Leaky Gut and IBS.
Background to this amazing product.
Chronic constipation is described as a common complication determined by difficult and/or rare passage of stool or both. The difference in definition of constipation has led to a wide range of reported prevalence (i.e., between 60% and 80% of the world’s population).
So what is all that falls into the definition of Constipation. Here are a few symptoms.
Infrequent Bowel movements. Coated tongue. Rumbling Nosey Bowel. Tiredness.
Lack of Concentration. Mental Depression. Bloated abdomen. Bad Breath. Flatulence. Haemorrhoids. Headaches. Anal Fissure. Mental Dullness.
Possibly one of the most frequent dis-eases in the world.
Various factors are involved in the pathogenesis of the disease, including type of diet, genetic predisposition, colonic motility, absorption, social economic status, daily behaviors, and biological and pharmaceutical factors.
Diagnostic and therapeutic options play a key role in the treatment of chronic constipation. There are still debates about the timing of these diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms.
So we have taken:
Aloe Vera Crystals (with all its natural elements vital in balancing the bowels and the bladder with the correct pH levels 6.8-7.2)
Himalayan Salt (with all its 84 trace elements vital in balancing the bowels and the bladder with the correct trace- elements .)
A touch of Magnesium Sulphate ( to get things functional and moving)
Mixed in some Artesian water and
Devised a formula of mixing all these ingredients together in the correct amounts and named it …..
Natural Aloe Tonic. Because that is what it is!
- A tot measure (25ml) per day early in the morning on an empty stomach and a critical problem can find a possible relief from this common but seldom corrected by natural means situation.
- Remember to add a good probiotic to your diet in order to maximize your results.
Shipment is with Amarex to your street address.
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