how to treat tissue damage

Kollageen / Collagen


Kollageen / Collagen


Kollageen / Collagen 200g

Availability: 97 in stock

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  • Kollageen is die mees volopste proteïn in die menslike liggaam, wat defenitief mooi opgepas moet word.
  • Dit is defenitief die hoofbousteen van ons vaskulêre sisteem en verteringstelsel, sowel as ons vel, alle senings,kraakbeen en bindweefsel en maagwand. Dit is ook ‘n kritiese belangrike komponent van ons spiere en been strukture.
Belangrike kenmerke:
Verbeter sirkulasie   
Dit versterk die bloedvate en hul elastiesiteit. 
Dit bevorder genesing.   
Die liggaam vereis kollageen om bindweefselskade te herstel en te herbou, wat natuurlik help met gesonde spiere,vel en gewrigte. 
Dit versterk ook die struktuur van jou bene,die senings,kraakbeen en ligamente.         
Verligting van pyn in gewrigte en die inflammasie in gewrigte kan beweging moeilik maak en erge pyn veroorsaak. 
Dit verhoog die gewrig beweging  en verminder die pyn wat deur inflamasie veroorsaak word, terwyl dit die groei van nuwe selle  bevorder.   
Dit verminder die sigbaarheid van selluliet.      
Kollageen werk vanaf binne die liggaam deur om te herbou en die herstel van vesel te bevorder.
Dit help ook met haargroei, die tekstuur en digtheid.
Dit behandel die simptome van Lekende derm – sindroom.                   
Kollageen help om die derm – voering, herstel beskadigde wande en die infusie van  herstellende funksie met aminosure.            
Dis ‘n beduidende voordeel om kollageen te gebruik,omdat dit help om die bindweefsel te help vorm, te  herstel en die maagwand te seël.

Ons versend met Amarex na u straatadres.


  • Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body.
  • It is the principal building block in our vascular and digestive systems, skin, tendons, cartilage and connective tissue and is a critical component of muscle and bone structure and for healthy gut, aswell as Leaky Gut Sindrome.
Improves Circulation.
Collagen is known to strengthen blood vessels and improve their elasticity.
It does this by fortifying your blood vessels to improve their circulation throughout the body.
Promotes Healing.
Collagen is required by the body to mend and rebuild connective tissue damage which helps maintain healthy muscles, skin, and joints.
It also strengthens the structure of bones, tendons, cartilage, and ligaments.
Relieves Joint Pain.
Inflammation in the joints can cause poor mobility and severe pain for some people.
Collagen is known to increase your joint mobility and reduce pain caused by inflammation while also encouraging extra cell growth.
Reduces Appearance of Cellulite.
Collagen works from the inside of your body to reduce the appearance of cellulite by rebuilding and repairing the fibers that cause cellulite to appear.
Reduces Wrinkles.
Wrinkles and skin imperfections benefit greatly from collagen.
Regularly ingesting collagen encourages your skin to become soft, supple and more elastic, which decreases the prevalence of wrinkles and blemishes.
Improves Hair Quality.
Collagen is a significant component in hair growth due to it’s ability to fight the free radicals that can degrade your hair’s texture, growth, and thickness.
Replacing collagen in the body can improve the overall health and appearance of your hair.
Treats Leaky Gut Syndrome.
Collagen helps to soothe your gut lining, healing damaged cell walls and infusing them with restorative amino acids.
The significant digestive benefit of consuming collagen is that it helps form connective tissue and therefore “heals and seals” the fragile lining of your gastrointestinal tract
Weight Management.
Research has shown that collagen protein peptides are even more satiating than other protein types.
Clinical trials have found collagen to be 40% more filling than the same quantity of whey, casein, or soy; and individuals consumed 20% less at their next meal after collagen consumption, than individuals who consumed other types of protein.


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