CBD Drops for Pets

CBD Drops for Pets


Availability: 56 in stock

SKU: GRO-006 Category:
n Natuurlike en vinnig werkende CBD olie vir troeteldiere wat hoogs absorbeerbaar is.


Help jou beste vriend om die daaglikse uitdagings van die lewe te oorkom, en maak al die herhinderinge saam met hulle,kosbaar.Met die hulp van Grownmedz se Breë Spektrum CBD Olie, sal jy jou troeteldier help met:

  • Angs en Fobie.
  • Stres en Vrees.
  • Slaap – probleme.
  • Epelepsie en Aanvalle.
  • Gewrig en Mobiliteit probleme.
  • Pyn en Inflamasie
  • Vel en Allergiese aangeleenthede.

As jou troeteldier sukkel en swaarkry,hoop ons baie keer op ‘n wonderwerk.Maak die meeste van jou tyd saam jou geliefde troeteldier en geniet die tyd saam.Met basies geen newe effekte nie,is daar  niks om te verloor nie.( Laai dokument af)

Wenk: Volg die dosis aanwysingskaart om die korrekte dosis hoeveelheid per gewig ratio te kry.Indien jy sukkel om die druppeltjies in die troeteldier se mond te kry,ontrek dit met ‘n spuit of sit die druppels op ‘n teelepel.Olie druppeltjies se inname kan verhoog word en ook oor die kos gedrip word.


All Natural ,fast acting and highly absorbable CBD oil for your pet. 3oml

Help your best friend overcome the challenges life throws their way and get back to making long lasting memories with them. With the help of Grownmedz’s Broad Spectrum CBD Oil, you will be empowering your pet to combat things like:

  • Anxiety and Phobia.
  • Stress and Fear.
  • Sleeping disorders.
  • Epilepsy and Seizures.
  • Joint and Mobility Issues
  • Pain and Inflammation.
  • Skin and Allergy Issues.

If your pet is struggling, stop waiting for a miracle to happen-be the miracle. Make the most of the time for you and your furry family member have together. With practically zero side effects, what do you have to loose. (Download document coming soon)

Tip: Follow the dosing chart and get the dose according to the weight ratio. If you struggle to drip the drops into your pet’s mouth,pull it with a syringe and squirt into mouth or put the oil on a teaspoon. Oil drops can also be increased and dripped over his/her food.







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