CBD Gout Relief

CBD Gout Relief


Effective Gout Relief.

Availability: 53 in stock

SKU: GRO-201 Category:


Sodra jy agterkom jou groottoon swel op by die ledemate, kan jy maar met die dokter gaan gesels oor jig.

  • Cannabis – olie kan jig in baie maniere help, vanaf  die risiko faktore wat dit veroorsaak tot die simptome daarvan, Die CBD sal help om inflammasie te verminder, sowel as die pyn.
  • Om hierdie room aan te smeer sal die pyn en inflammasie vinnig laat kalmeer,maar ongelukkig kan jy dit nou nie aan jou niere smeer nie. Daarom word dit aanbeveel om ‘n CBD olie- tjie oraal daarvoor ook te neem.
Voorkoming is altyd beter as genesing.Hier is ‘n paar oorsake van jig.
  • Diabeet
  • Vetsug.
  • Insulien weerstand.
  • Hipertensie.
  • Swak lewer funksie.
  • Uitermatige alkohol inname.
  • n Hoë purine dieët.
  • Sekere medikasie
  •  Kardiovaskulêre siekte

Dit is defenietief belangrik om gesond te eet en gereeld te oefen om jig te voorkom en om CBD olie op gereelde basis oraal te neem sal ook baie help.


If you notice swelling ,pain, redness or heat in your big toe’s joint, talk to your doctor about GOUT.

  • Cannabis oil can also help gout in many ways, from risk factors to symptoms.
  • The CBD will help by reducing the inflammation and pain. Using the relief balm can help get the pain and inflammation down quickly, however you can not put a topical on your kidneys. Which is why taking a CBD Oil orally is also a valid treatment option.
  • CBD has proven  to manage blood pressure, aid in weight loss, reduce resistance to insulin and replace medication you might be taking that could be contributing to gout.
Remember that prevention is better than cure. Here is some common risk factors that can lead to gout.
  • Diabetes.
  • Obesity.
  • Insulin Resistance.
  • Hypertension.
  • Poor kidney function.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption.
  • High purine diet
  • Certain medication
  • Cardiovascular disease.

While eating healthy and exercising can help prevent gout, taking CBD Oil regularly can help as well.



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