Artemsia Annua wat algemeen bekend staan vir “wormwood” of soet “Sagewort” word tradisioneel gebruik vir koors,inflammasie,hoofpyne, bloeding en malaria.
- Dit besit die ongelooflike eienskappe wat insekdodende, antibakteriese vermoëns aanbetref sowel as die verdere eienskappe wat die volgende toestande aanbetref: Anti-cholesterolemiese, Antipiretiese , Anti – Septies,
- Cholagogue , Diuretikum
- Artemsia Annua is ook ‘n purgeermiddel en die vasodilatoriese aktiwiteite van Artemisia Annua help met die natuurlike verbreding van bloedvate en word ook gebruik vir die behandeling van galblaas inflammasie, hepatitis, geelsug, malaria en diabetes.
- Sommige mense gebruik dit ook om die newe effekte van covid 19 te beveg.
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Artemsia Annua is commonly known as wormwood or sweet Sagewort, is been used in traditional medicine for fevers, inflammation, headaches, bleeding and malaria.
- It possesses the qualities of an insecticidal, antibacterial, anti-cholesterolemic, antipyretic, and antiseptic. Additionally.
- cholagogue, diuretic,
- Artemisia Annua is not only a purgative but also exhibits vasodilatory activities. Additionally, it is utilized in the treatment of gall bladder inflammation, hepatitis, jaundice, malaria, and diabetes.
- Some people also take this product to combat the side effects of Covid 19.
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