Die verskil lê in die intensiteit!
Knoffel poeier werk in enige resep waar droeë of vars knoffel gebruik moet word.Strooi liggies in terwyl jy roer vir die maak van slaaisouse,marinades, souse of in bredies.Dit kan bygevoeg word soos jy kook of later net oor gesprinkel word.Knoffel poeier word vinning geabsorbeer en gee ‘n wonderlike geur aan etes en pasta geregte.
Gesondheidsvoordele van knoffel:
- Die voorkoming van verkoues.
- Goed vir hart gesondheid.
- Bevorder brein funksie
- Bevorder die verteringstelsel.
- Help met gebalanseerde bloedsuiker.
- Bevorder die immuunstelsel.
- Bevorder algemene gesondheid van die vel.
Nota: Groot bestellings sal tussen 3 -5 werksdae geprosseseer word en via “Pudo” of koerier gestuur word tussen 5- 7 werksdae.
The difference is intensity!
Garlic powder works in any recipe that calls for dried or fresh garlic. Use a light hand and taste as you go when stirring it into salad dressings, rubs, marinades, sauces and stews. You can add it while cooking or use it later as a sprinkler. Garlic powder is absorbed instantly and the beautiful aroma gives the dish an authentic touch as well as an interesting twist to the regular noodles.
Health benefits of garlic:
- Wards Off Cough and Cold.
- Good for Cardiac Health.
- Improves Brain Functioning.
- Improves Digestion.
- Balances Blood Sugar.
- Boosts Immunity.
- Improves Skin Health.
Note: For bulk orders , orders will be processed within 3 – 5 working days and sent via “Pudo” or courier within 5 -7 workdays.
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